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The Reece Family photographed in their Homestead home in Skyway. From left to right: Prince Reece with daughter Nylah, partner Triana Satterwhite, son Amir hugging his little brother Mecca, and eldest daughter Layla on the couch. (Photo/Gurjot Kang) 

Rooted in Community: The Reece Family Returns Home to Skyway

Homestead invita a los voluntarios de la comunidad a una variedad de experiencias de grupos de trabajo, programadas a medida que surgen las necesidades del proyecto. Eliminar especies de plantas invasoras de los espacios comunitarios, pintar murales, establecer jardines comunitarios, rehabilitar hogares, apoyar recorridos por el hogar para solicitantes calificados, ayudar con reparaciones menores del hogar o mantenimiento para hogares de bajos ingresos.

Los eventos de voluntariado se programan según sea necesario. Si desea ser contactado acerca de grupos de trabajo y esfuerzos de voluntariado relacionados, envíe un correo electrónico agetinvolved@homesteadclt.orgcon la línea de asunto: Me gustaría ser voluntario.

The stability of homeownership allows Reece more time to pursue his passion for youth mentorship and community organizing in Skyway. Reece hosts regular ‘walk and talk’ sessions, with his family, on Sundays in Skyway Park where the community is invited to spend time getting to know one another outdoors.


The Sunday park trips have become a highlight of the family’s weekend; a chance for both parents and kids to have fun and play.

This past July, Reece organized Nia Fest; a free community event celebrating and honoring the legacy of the Black community in Skyway.  “Nia means purpose in Swahili,” shared Reece. “It’s one of the principles of Kwanzaa.” 

From racing to the top of the jungle gym to a quick game of soccer, Sundays at Skyway Park are never boring for the Reece Family. (Photos/Gurjot Kang) 

Reece hopes events like Nia Fest will provide more opportunities for young people in Skyway to get involved and create lasting, positive memories in the community. In his work with ACLT, Reece aims to establish a safe, creative space for youth to express themselves.

For Reece, Skyway is where home and community intersect. Returning to the place he grew up — as a homeowner, father, and active member of the community — means everything. His advice to other first-time homebuyers: “Don’t doubt yourselves. Keep going.” 


“Go through it. Make sure all your paperwork is in order…and just know that you can own a home too,” said Reece. “It's not out of your scope, or your realm, to own a home.” 

Ready, set, blast off! Reece siblings, Layla, age 9, and Amir, age 6, plan out the successful launch of their toy rocket during a Sunday afternoon at Skyway Park. (Photos/Gurjot Kang) 

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