From left to right: Layna, Joe, Kim, and Mia Weatherby smile for a family photo.
Paying It Forward:The Weatherby Family Story
Homestead invita a los voluntarios de la comunidad a una variedad de experiencias de grupos de trabajo, programadas a medida que surgen las necesidades del proyecto. Eliminar especies de plantas invasoras de los espacios comunitarios, pintar murales, establecer jardines comunitarios, rehabilitar hogares, apoyar recorridos por el hogar para solicitantes calificados, ayudar con reparaciones menores del hogar o mantenimiento para hogares de bajos ingresos.
Los eventos de voluntariado se programan según sea necesario. Si desea ser contactado acerca de grupos de trabajo y esfuerzos de voluntariado relacionados, envíe un correo electrónico agetinvolved@homesteadclt.orgcon la línea de asunto: Me gustaría ser voluntario.
“Homestead has enabled us to pay off our student loans, purchase two vehicles, launch two businesses, and purchase a new property that would have been out of reach otherwise," adds Kim Weatherby.
As they turn to the next chapter of their lives, Kim and Joe are grateful to pay forward the opportunity purchase an affordable home.
“Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your efforts on our behalf, and on behalf of so many individuals and families dreaming of homeownership in Seattle. We find joy in knowing that countless others will be able to have the Homestead experience as well," Kim wrote.