Questions? Schedule a one-on-one appointment with Homestead Staff either online or at Homestead's office. Or see Frequently Asked Questions below.
Schedule a one-on-one appointment, select from the options below:
Online Application Support - Zoom Meeting - 45 minutes or 20 minutes
Make an online appointment to if you have questions about your eligibility, the application process, Homestead's program, the homes for sale, and/or need help troubleshooting the application portal. Choose between a 20 minute or 45 minute appointment based on how many questions you have.
In-Person Application Support at Homestead's office - 1hr
Make in an in-person appointment if you need to submit your application entirely on paper or need help scanning/uploading documents to your online portal. Located at Homestead's office in the International District, Seattle.
Asistencia de Solicitud Virtual - 30 minutes
Esto tipa de cita es para solicitantes que desean un recorrido de la aplicación o tienen preguntas que tomaran menos de 30 minutos en resolverse. Las citas se realizaran virtualmente a través de Zoom.
Asistencia de Solicitud en Persona - 1hr
Esto tipa de cita es para solicitantes que desean ayuda con su solicitud en persona. Debe traer todos sus documentos para la solicitud. Las citas se realizaran en nuestro oficina.
Frequently Asked Questions and Tips
Q: What documents will I be asked to upload with the Application?
A: Click here to see the list of application documents.
Q: I think I have finished my application but I don't see how to submit it?
A: The submit button will not appear until you have uploaded all the required documents and entered information in all the sections of the application. If you have red clocks by any section it means you still have documents that you need to upload. If you do not have any debts then you will need to click 'I don't have any debts'.
Q: How do I know that my application has been successfully submitted?
A: After you press the submit button you will be prompted to do the following:
Confirm Application Details
Agree to Terms
Pay Application Fees
Electronically Sign
Then, you will receive a confirmation email with the Subject Line: 'Your Homestead Community Land Trust application is complete!' The email will include an attached PDF of your full application.
Q: I verified my email and phone number to login in but I am receiving a spinning house error message and not able access the application.
A: If this happens to you please email olivia@homesteadclt.org for the most immediate assistance. This happens most frequently because there are multiple contact records in the Homestead's database with the same email address you used to login. It can best be avoided by being consistent with the spelling of your name and what email address use in your interactions with Homestead. Do not use the same email address for multiple members of your family, for example - the primary applicant and the co-applicant cannot have the same email address.
Tip: Organize and save all the documents you uploaded into the application in the same place. Mortgage lender's will ask for many of the same documents, having these documents organized already will save you time when applying for a loan.