Susan Zeman, daughter Emma Geneva, and partner Robert Downing in their Homestead home at Columbia 26. (Photo/Gurjot Kang)
The Heart of Columbia 26: Thriving in Community with the Zeman Household
Homestead mời các tình nguyện viên cộng đồng tham gia nhiều trải nghiệm tiệc làm việc khác nhau, được lên lịch khi nhu cầu của dự án xuất hiện. Loại bỏ các loài thực vật xâm lấn khỏi không gian cộng đồng, vẽ tranh tường, thiết lập các khu vườn cộng đồng, cải tạo nhà ở, hỗ trợ các chuyến tham quan nhà cho những người đăng ký đủ điều kiện, hỗ trợ sửa chữa hoặc bảo trì nhà ở nhỏ cho các hộ gia đình có thu nhập thấp.
Các sự kiện tình nguyện được lên lịch khi cần thiết. Nếu bạn muốn được liên hệ về các nhóm làm việc và các nỗ lực tình nguyện liên quan, vui lòng gửi email tớigetinvolved@homesteadclt.orgvới Dòng chủ đề: Tôi muốn làm tình nguyện viên.
"We just really settled into this neighborhood," said Zeman. "We felt like we belonged and had these great social connections."
A relaxing weekday evening at the Zeman household. From left to right: Susan prepares pizza in the kitchen; family dog Sasha rests near a bookcase; Emma and Susan lounge in the reading nook; and Bob chooses a record to play from his vinyl collection. (Photos/Gurjot Kang)
The Zeman family has lived in Columbia City since moving to Seattle almost two decades ago. Susan fondly recalls the day they first moved to the area: Christmas Eve, 2006.
“Our daughter [Emma] was two…and as we were unpacking our truck, the neighbor across the street came over, introduced herself, and invited us to Christmas dinner,” shared Zeman. The neighboring family, who had a daughter around Emma’s age, became fast friends with the Zemans.

Prior to Homestead, a year after moving into their first rental home in Columbia City, the Zeman family had to move again; their landlord decided she wanted her house back. The family’s next landlord refused to fix water leakage and mold in the home. The Zemans lived in four different rental homes in Columbia City before finally buying their own permanently affordable home through Homestead’s program.
Susan and her partner Robert ‘Bob’ Downing, who works as a Union Organizer for the American Federation of Teachers, first learned of Homestead CLT on an evening walk through their neighborhood.
“We just walked past this place and there was a sign out front that said, ‘two-bedroom townhome starting at $200,000.’ And we were like, ‘well, that's crazy, like where's the catch on that?’ But we called, and we turned in an application,” said Zeman. “And then we got the [home]…it was really kind of serendipity.”
A chance encounter turned into an incredible opportunity to purchase their first home. In 2016, after years of renting, Zeman, Bob, and their teenage daughter Emma Geneva, finally moved into their very own three-bedroom townhome, thanks to Homestead.
The ability to stay within the Columbia City neighborhood means the world to the family.
“Every month that passes, you don't know if your landlord is going to raise your rent to something that you can't afford. The world is full of stress. And that is not a stress that families should have to worry about,” said Zeman. “Being able to at least have security about where we’re living. It’s just—it’s huge…I can’t say enough about how important that is.”
Passionate about making their good fortune a possibility for others, Susan Zeman served on Homestead’s Board for six years between 2018 and 2024.
During her time on the board, Zeman continued to advocate for more homeownership opportunities for households like hers, speaking to journalists and sharing her story at press conferences.
"The reality is none of us can afford to pay these [market] prices,” said Zeman. “We should all be able to afford to live in the community that we work in…not just for our sake…for the sake of the community itself.”

Susan Zeman is pictured here, advocating for affordable homeownership, at a 2019 Mayoral Press Conference. (Photo Courtesy of Homestead)