You can help us GROW an equitable economy for homes and housing.

Homestead Community Land Trust thrives through equitable and inclusive engagement and governance of our organization. As a membership organization, we believe that an engaged membership strengthens our relevance to our community and the community’s support for our mission. Homestead is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation with an open membership and a democratically elected board of trustees. One third of our Board members are homeowners from our program, which assures their voice is always represented, and we stay connected to what is important to them.
A strong community organization needs your voice as well. Benefits of Membership include:
A vote in any official meeting of the membership including the Annual Meeting to elect members of the Board of Delegates and vote on the organization’s affairs. (Voting rights are limited to residents of King County, WA)
Invitation to Annual Meeting and Annual Member Picnic
Homestead ENews and mailed newsletters
Acknowledgement in the Annual Report
Knowledge that my support is creating a legacy of affordability in my community
Members pay an annual $25 fee or volunteer 3 hours of service prior to the Annual Meeting in January.
Become a Member or Renew Your Membership

We live in a region that cares deeply about equal opportunity for all. Together we are grappling with the recognition that historic and systemic inequities have put the dream of homeownership out of reach. With your help, we can change that.
Homestead Community Land Trust makes the Dream of Homeownership possible for the modest-income people in our communities who contribute to our quality of life. Together we are building homes that will give these neighbors the hand-up they need to buy a safe, healthy, high-quality home in a neighborhood of opportunity. Through permanent affordability – the community land trust model – we are keeping those homes affordable so that they serve multiple households over time. And through our membership model, we center the voices of those served.
You, your organization or club can take on a significant project with Homestead by sponsoring a home or program. For additional information about program sponsorship opportunities please email info@homesteadclt.org

Through your estate plans you can create a legacy of affordability in our region. Planned giving offers many ways to support, and it is possible for anyone, regardless of their means. Thank you for considering Homestead as part of our estate planning.
A bequest in your will is the most common planned gift. Other options are a charitable gift annuity or charitable remainder trust. You might also name Homestead Community Land Trust as a beneficiary in a life insurance policy or retirement account.
Bequest: A bequest means that your property would be transferred to Homestead upon your death. You retain all ownership rights to the property during your lifetime. This leaves a lasting legacy of stability for families far into the future and decreases the tax burden on the inheritors of your estate.
Gift with retained life estate: Want to donate your home to Homestead but keep on living there, too? When you make a gift with retained life estate, your property will be transferred to Homestead without going through probate upon your death. This type of gift is eligible for tax deductions calculated at the time the gift is given, based on current interest rates and the donor’s age. A gift with retained life estate may also give you property tax advantages because homes in Homestead’s portfolio are assessed based on the resale formula value rather than the full market value of the property. Please be sure to speak with your tax advisor when considering a gift of real estate.
We are here to make this process as easy for you as possible. Please contact the Executive Director to discuss your planned gift.